How to optimize website speed for better performance

A great website is the one that is readily available to the users.

It is simple as people has a shorter time to decide whether a website is handy for their use or it has nothing to offer. Website speed optimization help in increasing user data and trust. Google prefers those websites that are less time consuming for users as well as search engine. Question is how you can optimize website for better performance. Here we will discuss not just about ways to increase website speed but also how it helps in increase website performance.

Google as well as other different website allow you understand the different areas to work on for increasing readability and usability of a website. Some of the free tools that you can use to measure the speed and other aspects of your website are: Google pagespeed insights, moz tools, google keyword tool and analytics, google search console and bing webmaster tools. Let’s hop-in to the main insights of website speed.

Optimize website graphics

Catchy and mesmerizing graphics are useful to get user intention, however if they are a hurdle in your website speed than they serve nothing to users. People will visit the website but when they find that it is taking time to get the actual content from the website, they will move away.

Enable compression to reduce the size of css, html, and javascript files. Avoid gzip in image files, and compress them using photoshop to retain the quality of the images. This will surely help in increasing speed of each page of the website.

Minify CSS, Javascript, and HTML

It is a great idea that you minify your css files, take javascript to the bottom of the page, and avoid unnecessary characters while coding. Remove any unused code or commented code not required for website functionality.

Avoid unnecessary redirects

Each redirect buys user valuable time, so you should avoid redirect as much as possible. New HTTP request is also not valuable for your website speed. You can use redirects in case of expire pages. Other than that, there is no use of redirects.

Remove render-blocking javascript files

Web browsers build DOM tree and parse HTML so to render a page. If they encounter any javascript block, the process will stop, browser will execute the script, before it can continue.

Leverage browser cache and expire headers

Web browsers has a lot of information cached like stylesheets, images, javascripts, and others so they wouldn’t upload a new page entirely. Each website has to define a cache-control policy which would include how much information, by whom and for how long time. Website designed doesn’t change so often so browsers rely on the information previously sent. Cache-control policy will help both the web browsers and the web owners.

Improve server response time

For better website performance reduce the server response time which would be done by hosting website on high quality web hosting services. Maintain a huge database to easily handle user traffic. Optimal server response time is 200ms. Try to do your best. Use a content distribution network

You can use CDN (Content distribution networks) to increase user flow and minimize bounce rate for your visitors. Content distribution network work as a group of servers strategically place across the globe. People when make request they will get the content from the nearest server from their location. This will also reduce latency rate which will increase the speed of the website.